These two pieces resulted from a project, funded by the Minnesota State Arts Board, in which I used data visualization techniques to translate scientific data into surface design.
Invasion of Starry Stonewort in Minnesota Lakes uses ceramic cylinders to document the invasion of starry stonewort (an aggressive algae) in Minnesota lakes. Each cylinder represents a year; the left cylinder represents 2015, the year starry stonewort was first discovered in Minnesota. Infested lakes are represented by lines, which are arranged in relation to where the lake is located north to south within the state. The decorative dots and lines represent additional invasive species in the infested lake.
Invasive Minnesota Noxious Weeds in the Three Rivers Park District (1990-2018) charts the spread of invasive species in the Three Rivers Park District over 30 years. Each stalk represents an individual species; the number, color, height, width, and leaf shape correspond to the distribution and tenacity of each invasive plant.